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Benchrest shooting - wikipedia, Benchrest shooting is a sport in which very accurate and precise rifles are shot at paper targets. the rifles ride on a front and rear rest, the rests may or may not. Speedys guide to benchrest | svenska bänkskytteförbundet, Speedy gonzales a well known man in this sport has written this guide to benchrest, we have his permission to publish the guide on sbrsas web.. Pac-nor - custom rifle barrels for varmint hunters to, Pac-nor provides custom rifle barrels to a variety of clients ranging from varmint hunters to serious benchrest shooters. pac-nor has been re-barreling rifle actions.
Hunting bullet designs | berger bullets, Hunting bullet designs. varmint bullets our varmint bullet line includes those bullets that are most commonly used by precision oriented varmint hunters..
Free shooting bench plans — eleven do-it-yourself designs, June 3rd, 2012 free shooting bench plans — eleven do-it-yourself designs. building your own portable shooting bench is a great winter do-it-yourself project..
Varmint, target hunting and tactical bullets | berger bullets, Berger bullets are the highest quality precision bullets on the market today. precision engineering and tight tolerances make every berger match grade..
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